Blogging, yes, I know you are going to add more brand new killer posts to your blog. But do you have a blueprint of tasks you are going to finish this month, or have you pinned some must-to-do things? Why should I schedule my blogging content calendar, you ask? Think of your ideal blogger, and I am sure he/she creates his/her blogger content calendar to get more from a single month. A content calendar has multiple benefits, and you must make an effort to create your blogging content calendar. With a great blueprint, you can do all your tasks in a well planned and organized way. The content calendar makes you prepared to hit the timelines. Thus you become able to complete your tasks at the given time. Creating a blogging content calendar makes you more professional. One of the best parts of a blogging content calendar is you can break larger tasks into small pieces, and thus it becomes easy to done and manageable. If you want to be a successful blogger, you have to be a great planner and schedule your blogging to achieve more.


Lists are great, and it always drives more traffic to your site. Audiences are always ready to look at your top 10 or top 20 blogging tips or these kinds of other lists. Every top blogger, internet marketer, entrepreneur, or influencer has more lists of their blogging content to grab more traffic. Almost every blogger has any niche include lists on their blog posts. You will see lists of health, technology, blogging, and nearly every type of blog. Although this post I am working on currently is also a list blog, which consists of ten types of content to boost your blogging content calendar. Thus if you are going to create your blogging content calendar, make sure to include lists, and if you have created your blogging calendar already, then add lists to it.


Interviews are one of the most excellent ways to connect with like-minded people in the blogging industry when you include interviews on your blog, the chances of getting more interaction and response from your audience increases. You should include at least one interview per month on your blog. Trust me; the outcomes will be great. Invite professionals to share their ideas on your blog, and if you got invitations for an interview from other bloggers, make an effort to participate. This will help you in building healthy relationships with the professionals. People will dig your blog into listening to those bloggers who have given you interviews. You can take this idea further and create roundup posts entirely based on opinions of industry leaders on a common topic; for example, fashion blogger shared their No1 fashion tips in this roundup. People are always ready to listen from the top professionals of their industry, and when you make it possible through your interviews, they eagerly wait for your next interview blog post resulting in higher interaction and traffic.

Content Creation

Content is king, and I think the importance and necessity of quality content will remain the same in future also. It will be almost impossible to achieve success without quality content. You are nothing without quality content if you are in a content marketing job. And if you want to achieve more success, trust me, you have to work a lot on the quality of the content. Content creation is one of the easiest ways to increase productivity. When you make efforts to add original and quality content to your blog, you strengthen your vocabulary. Writing is good for your blogging, and if you are not going to post a blog today, it doesn’t mean you should not write. Write at least 1000 words daily and see the results; undoubtedly, your productivity and quality will increase.

Industry News

Your audience and readers will love to hear the latest industry news from you. The blogging industry is big enough, and so the quantity of news is also huge. Update their social feed with the latest news so that they can make an effort to go with the flow. You can come with excellent documented and well researched industrial news at least a month. If you are in a kind of internet marketing job, then you must make efforts to analyze your customer’s interest to provide them relevant industry news.


Work on your blog SEO as much as you can and also provide quality content on driving more traffic to your audience. Bloggers are always looking for target keywords, and if you help them in figuring those keywords, they will come again and again to your blog. Create quality content based on SEO once a month and share it with your readers. Working on SEO will help your readers to achieve from the search engines as well as you can also apply those strategies to your blog to drive more traffic. SEO is one of the hottest topic readers always want to listen to, and if you provide well-researched content on SEO, you will grab more attention from the readers.


It will be easy to reach more customers and increase sales if you know the interest of your customers. Always make efforts to understand the behavior and needs of your customer. Surveys and polls are the best way to gather data from your customer. No matter if you are in kinda job of Internet marketing, sales, or just blogging, you can provide better service or content to your customers after knowing their interests and needs. You can use various tools for surveys such as Hotjar. With these kinds of survey tools, you can figure out why your customers or readers have unsubscribed your blog and the areas where you have to work for achieving expected results.

Guest Posts

It may be possible that you are a kind of person having a huge audience community or making efforts to grab more interaction with the targeted audience. Are you looking for ways to increase more interactions? Do guest posts at least once a week. Inevitably guest posts will not increase traffic to your blog, but there are higher chances of getting more eyes with a quality guest post. You won’t believe it, but guest posts are a great asset in grabbing more subscribers. Many top bloggers and influencers use the guest post as a significant tool for being more visible.


Images are high in catching more attention, and our brains are used to digest more infographics compared to texts. Make an effort to include great infographics loaded with valuable data. Every top blogger in your industry is used to include great infographics dipped in a well-researched, valuable content. Land to SproutSocial or, and you will find many valuable infographics on their blogs. Images grab more attention, and you must include infographics in your blogging content calendar if you haven’t added them yet, and if your infographics exist on your blogging content calendar, congratulations, you are on the way good.

Success Stories

If you have a talent for storytelling, this will be going to hugely beneficial for your blog, my friend. Blogging needs dedication, and success stories help you in getting dedicated. A well-documented success story is all about the ups and downs somebody faces during his/her blogging journey. People may want to hear about the impressive features of your product, and you should tell them. Everyone is living a hard life and needs some motivation to move ahead. Your success stories blog posts will be a good source of motivation for the other bloggers and your readers. They will land on your blog for the inspirational success stories and will also wait for your next stories. You can provide case studies to your readers, and this type of content also drive massive traffic. Case studies can be created with different formats, but make sure to design it in the way of storytelling.

Social Media

The influence and scale of social media are increasing every next day, with no signs of downfall. I have seen many bloggers making an effort to make their identity in this blogosphere, but they aren’t using social media much for their blogs. SEO is great, but it may take time on the other hand, if you have a massive number of connections on social media, you can drive more traffic to your blog with effective and killer promotional strategies. You can use various tools for scheduling your social media posts, but what makes you more popular on social media platforms are your well reasserted original social media posts. Final Note If you want to achieve more success, make an effort to move ahead with your plans. Blogging needs hard work, and if you do it with a blueprint, you can do it quickly. “Don’t do hard work, do smart work,” you may have heard these words a lot, and if you are a great planner, you are on the way to be a smart worker. This post is all about the contents you must include in your blogging calendar, and your suggestions will be appreciated here. I am sure there are more contents apart from this list, and there is a lot to come.

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