Think about the following situation: You own a small business and are trying to find new customers. You have already been able to attract a crowd, keep them interested in your website, and get them to follow your social media accounts. However, they are not yet ready to buy. How can you turn those potential customers into actual customers without being pushy? Video marketing is the best way to get people to do something you need to persuade them. Even though most video formats will be helpful in this situation because the video is a valuable tool in general, many companies choose to use customer testimonials as a marketing strategy because they make it more likely that a customer will buy and bring in more money.

Importance of Brand Perception When Making a Purchase Decision From Someone

If you think about how you shop for a moment, you’ll probably conclude that most of the things you buy are based on how you feel about different brands. You’re not the only one who only looks at the brand name when making a purchase decision. 77% of B2C customers do the same thing. When grocery shopping, people choose one brand of spaghetti sauce over another based on the impression of a particular company. This impression is made up of their thoughts and feelings about that company. Once customers have decided what they think about a brand, it is hard to change their minds. Because of this, companies work hard to ensure that people have good thoughts about their brand, not just neutral or bad ones. When you know how people feel about your brand, it’s much easier to shape its reputation, help customers understand what makes it different from competitors, and build your company’s value. You can figure this out by asking customers how they feel about the brand and keeping track of how they think about it over time.

How Important are Testimonials to Build Trust and Perceptions?

Who do you think would be a better representative for your business? You or a happy customer who has bought from you? Even if it’s clear that you know a lot about this field, customers won’t trust you much until you can prove that you are the real deal. So, it’s impossible to say enough about how essential testimonials are. Before buying anything, most people look for third-party validation in the form of testimonials. People no longer trust the media or people they consider to be “influencers.” This is why they don’t pay much attention to retailers’ claims that are meant to get their attention. Because of this, customers and marketers should give testimonials a lot of weight when building relationships. In the business world, it’s essential to have a good reputation. Which business is more likely to get your attention: the one with no ratings at all or the one with hundreds of reviews that are all positive? Bingo. This is precisely why testimonials are so crucial for getting your brand’s biggest fans to help you build your reputation. 

Collecting Testimonials the Manual Way: What are the Challenges?

There can be various challenges and drawbacks to manually collecting testimonials. Some of the significant ones are mentioned below.

Low data accuracy

Getting client feedback by hand or paper will almost always lead to less accurate data. For the manual or handwritten collection of customer feedback, a sales representative or a staff member will need to ask customers and visitors to give their input and say what they think about their experience, the quality of the service and goods, or anything else.

It costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time and resources

Collecting handwritten or manual client feedback is very expensive, takes a long time, and requires a lot of resources. A company has to hire permanent employees who interact with customers and visitors and regularly ask for feedback from these groups. This means that many workers will always be involved in customer feedback.

Data quality is entirely up to the employees, but it’s not safe, and it’s not always right.

The manual and handwritten way of getting customer feedback is not very safe, and it is up to the employees to keep it secure. The staff member who asks customers for feedback may also affect what the customers say, and the staff member who enters the data may also make mistakes, making the results less accurate.

Making reports, analyzing data, and sharing information is hard

It is hard to create reports, analyze data, and work together on data when customers enter information manually or by hand. The first thing that needs to be done is to take care of the documents and forms. Then, the data needs to be put into the system. Later on, this data can either be analyzed or shared. Now, it would be pretty much clear that taking testimonials manually is not the right choice. So, here we are with some of the best platforms to automate collecting video testimonials.

Testimonial software is an all-in-one product with essential features such as a single dashboard, analytics, a dedicated landing page, video chat, and many more. It comes with a specialized landing page that may gather video testimonials by email, text message, or social media. All testimonials gathered on a single dashboard may be seen in an easy-to-navigate format. In addition, you may have a better understanding of the success of videos across numerous marketing channels by making use of comprehensive analytics. It is simple to record video chat sessions immediately on your Testimonial account, and it is also simple to insert a single line of code on any website.


VideoPeel is the best remote video-capture platform for businesses. It lets them collect videos from their customers, reply to those videos, analyze those films, and share those analyses. With the help of VideoPeel, companies can get ten times as much user-generated video content, which helps them get 20% more conversions, traffic, customer happiness, and consumer insights. If you use this software, you can make the process of getting your testimonials run independently. Users can easily collect and send information, which connects the flow to the sales experience. Just go to their website, pick a template, add your company’s logo and message, and then ask your customers to record video testimonials about their experiences with your business.  It’s that simple! With VideoPeel’s embeddable Carousel Player, you can put Video Testimonials on your website. This is probably the part of VideoPeel that you will like the most. This feature makes it easy to add testimonials from customers to your website.


The Shoutout platform makes it easy to take the social proof you already have and turn it into a beautiful “Wall of Love.” You can take a wall of pictures sorted and published in less than three minutes. You can try the service for free for a week without needing a credit card. It could save you time by putting all the high-signal social evidence from your Twitter mentions in one place. You can increase the number of sales that come from your website by turning tweets into “Walls of Love” and putting them there. You can grow a natural community of believers by praising the people who use your platform with the most passion, energy, and voice.


Boast is more than just a way to gather one customer’s experience at a time. You can use it the whole time you do business with a customer. They can find out how happy your customers are with you and your business and keep track of that. This is attached to each interaction as customer sentiment and is used and tracked throughout the system. Each of the basic rating types, like stars, thumbs up, smiley faces, net promoter score, and so on, is further broken down into one of three consumer feelings. Consumers can either be Promoters or Passives, but they can never be Detractors. You can use the opinions of other Boast users to filter results or take action in several places around the platform. The form builder is one of the most critical parts. If your form’s page 1 has a rating area, you can only show the video field to Promoters if that page also has a rating area. After that, you can ask a new set of questions about how you can improve the service you give to your critics or how you can try to fix your relationship with them.


Endorsal forms can be changed entirely to fit your business’s needs and how you use them. You can change the colors, add a logo, change the text, and choose what information you want to collect. It only takes a few minutes to finish, and then you can move on to the next step, asking happy customers for testimonials. With SuperLinks, you can already have information about the client on the form. Filling out forms is a chore that nobody likes to do. SuperLinks make your customers’ lives easier by automatically filling out the EndoForm with your information about them. Customers who can do the things they came to your business for and give you good feedback show that you’re doing things right.


When you use Testimonials by VideoTouch, it’s easy to collect user-generated video testimonials from customers and turn them into beautiful films that you can post and share everywhere without writing any code. You can make a campaign and decide whether you want to collect text or video testimonials during that campaign. You could also include a form to collect more information, like social media profiles and job titles. The best way to get more customers involved is to give them more reasons, like discounts and special offers. They will make you a unique link you can share via email or social media. Your clients can record on any desktop or mobile device right from the browser without logging in or using an extra app. As soon as a client sends in a testimonial for you to read, you’ll get an email about it. If you download the testimonials to your computer, you can share them with others. You can also use their free service to create a link to the hosted video or a custom video widget for your website.

Testimonial Hero

If you contact Testimonial Hero, you can work with a strategist to develop a thorough plan to get the results you want. You will have a clear path to creating video content for your customers or employees that will make a difference in your efforts. They make it very easy to create high-quality video testimonials, which helps B2B sales teams gain trust and credibility faster, which speeds up the buyer experience. At every step of the way, you will be able to work with experts in the field to ensure you get the most out of your footage and make the best content. Project managers, producers, editors, and others with a lot of experience will be there to help you.


Vidmonials is a flexible platform that gives businesses in many fields a chance to do business. Your company’s performance will improve due to your creative marketing, bringing in more and better visitors. You can add a compelling call to action to your eCommerce site by using the software they give you for remote video recording. As a result, you should see a big jump in the number of people who buy from your site. Vidmonials make the hiring process more manageable and give it a more personalized feel. Share the value of your business and make it look better by using remote video recording software to show happy customers. This will help you bring in more customers.

Strong Testimonials

Strong Testimonial is a great plugin that does everything it’s supposed to do perfectly. After you set up Strong Testimonials, you will save a lot of time compared to how much time you would have spent gathering or moderating testimonials by hand. If you want people to notice you, you need to do something that stands out. Because of this, they’ve added video testimonials to help draw people’s attention to your reviews.  The most critical and vital thing about testimonials is that they can help you make more sales. That can’t happen if your testimonials don’t have links to the products being talked about. This is where Strong Testimonials comes in handy, as they have the best testimonial plugin for eCommerce websites. Strong Testimonials works well with WooCommerce and is fully compatible with it.


After you make a page for testimonials, you should let people know about it. Send it to the clients you chose, your sales staff, and even your other customers if you think they might be interested in reading it. Also, ensure your homepage, “About Us” page, and the navigation bar at the top of your screen have links to the page with your testimonials. Because of the great word-of-mouth that will come from these testimonials, your customer base will grow exponentially.

9 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 229 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 789 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 869 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 909 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 769 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 709 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 289 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 819 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 899 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 979 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 559 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 679 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 229 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 129 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 709 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 679 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 889 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 609 Platforms to Collect Video Testimonials from Your Users - 52